Friday, January 3, 2014

Goodbye 2013

It's a new year.  Like many years before it, 2013 brought many changes, blessings, and difficulties.  There were certainly moments of utter, overwhelming joy, and moments of hard blows and heavy burdens.  A new year often represents a symbolic change.  A passing from the old into the new.  A closing chapter, and an opening to a new one.  I, like so many others, value the gift of the symbolic shift.  I like the ability to mark the moment of a "new beginning."  I've heard people argue against resolutions, but I typically enjoy them.  My "type A" personality thrives on the direction given from dates, schedules, and lists.  The measurement of time creates order and structure for me and it more clearly defines the line between the old and the new.  It becomes a symbol of hope and a representation of new possibilities.  I welcome the boost to the universal morale created by the symbolism of a new year.  

2013 was often beautiful and, at times, incredibly humbling.  I have done things this past year that I never thought would be possible.  We have moved, started a new business, spent time with wonderful and inspiring people.  On the other hand,  I've also lost connections with friends, experienced gut wrenching disappointment, and have had prayers go unanswered (at least in the way that I wanted them to be).  2013 was hard, but it was also wonderful.  The best and worst thickly spread over a period of 12 months.  It is a time I choose to treasure for it brought hard lessons to be learned and unimaginable blessings to be obtained

The most obvious blessing was the time I spent with my family.  I could never express the feelings created by watching your own child grow.  It's indescribable.   It's overwhelming.  It's at the same time wonderful and difficult.  Watching a child grow is wonderful because you are able to see all of the new things that they learn.  You  are able to witness them discover things long forgotten, and see the world fresh, without the haze of a lifetime of difficulties.  At the same time it's difficult, because they change so quickly.  It seems that all at once the small, wide eyed baby I held bundled in my arms is suddenly climbing on any piece of furniture that he can find.  It's amazing, and terrifying, and wonderful. 

I'm sure 2014 will be as beautiful, inspiring, and difficult as it's predecessor, but I look forward to unfolding the new events of this year.  My deepest hope is that  I will be able to take each day as it comes and treasure each moment I am given.  We begin a new chapter with this new year and a new stage in our lives.  Change can always be scary, but it brings new life and meaning.  I pray that everyone may find some peace, hope, and inspiration in the ending of 2013.  Here's to 2014 and all of the adventures it will undoubtedly bring. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

First Birthday

It's been awhile since I've posted a blog, but I thought Thomas' first birthday was a great time to restart!  We've been so busy with moving, starting a business, and raising the little guy that I've completely fallen behind.  Hopefully I will be able to find some more time to document these precious moments of our lives.  Thomas' first birthday was wonderful.  We did a carnival theme and everything turned out so beautiful.  Best of all, Thomas had an amazing time playing with his cousins, friends, and family. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Camden's Birthday

This weekend was my nephew's 3rd birthday.  We went to Nashville to celebrate with him and to spend some time with my sister and her beautiful family.  Camden had his party at a bounce house and we all had the best time!  Thomas and his cousins get along so well.  Camden is so sweet and such a big helper.  He watches over Thomas and makes sure he has plenty of toys to play with.  Every time Thomas would throw something on the floor (his new favorite game), Camden would laugh and then quickly pick it up for him.

I was able to take some pictures of my sister, Camden, and baby Eden.  Ben, her husband, had to work so I wasn't able to get him in any of the pictures.  I just love this little family and their warm and welcoming home. 


 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker